"Julia, can I watch TV???" This is what I wake up to almost EVERY morning. It usually starts around 6:00 AM. This morning, though, my little brother, Ryan, woke me up around 4:30. I had to get out of bed, find the remotes (since we're always losing them left and right), turn the TV on, flip through the channels until I actually find a show Ryan likes, then I finally got to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, Once I lay down, I realize I'm no longer tired. Oh how lovely.
When I've actually gotten myself up, gotten ready, and have finally gotten to my high school, I couldn't believe my eyes. The whole entire school is surrounded by a chain link fence and barbed wire, and there are men with weapons surrounding the whole perimeter of the school. At that moment I realize, my high school isn't even a school at all, it's a correctional facility.
I walk into my school and I automatically notice the color; a dull gray. It also has a terrible smell of mildew. The only color is the clothing of the unsuspecting students that fill the halls. Little did we know what kind of place we were about to spend the rest of our ninth grade year learning in. I was hoping maybe this would be a case of Matilda. Scary school, dull halls, but exceptionally kind teachers.This was most definitely not the case. I walk down the halls and all the teachers are outside their doors, faces in a scowl, arms tight across their chests, and their backs up straight.
In every single one of my classes, the teachers paced at the front of the room, holding their wooden sticks, just waiting for someone to smart off at them. One class out of all of them, though, was the must terrifying. We were in Algebra going over our notes. My teacher was looking at the seating chart and randomly picking people to answer. Sounds normal, right? Wrong. What was really scary is when the boy my teacher picked on got the answer wrong. All of a sudden, my teacher ran to the wall where a gigantic red button was, and slammed her hand into it. Then, all chaos broke loose. Four men ran in, grabbed the boy, and ran out. He was never seen again.
Lunch wasn't much better. We were watched so closely you could feel the guard's eyes burning into your neck. It felt like you had to clear your mind of everything just in case they could some how read it.We were served slop that was almost paste- like. Just like the school, this food was gray. Stripped of all color. We sat at long tables that never seemed to end. We were sat boy, girl next to each other forced to eat in silence, and stare at the dull, molding wall in front of us.
Finally, the school day was over and I could go home. It was time to get on the bus and leave this prison until the next day. I thought all of the petrifying events were over, of course until I stepped onto the bus. In every single seat there was a camera watching your every move along with a guard who's look dripped acid.
An hour later, I reach my stop and I'm thoroughly winded. I can't wait to sink into my favorite chair, read my book, and escape to a different world where my problems don't matter. Unfortunately, when I get to my door I notice that it is locked. Locked! I could not believe that on top of everything else, this was happening.
Thankfully, my mom wasn't gone for too long and she let me in. I couldn't wait to tell her what happened, and beg her to transfer me. When I finally tell her about my day, my mother thinks that it's my over-dramatic self taking over, and I'm over exaggerating. If only I was.
Anyways, thanks for reading! I thought I would do something a little different, considering that I didn't have a book to review this week!